Siemens Simatic S7 New, Surplus, Refurbished, Reconditioned, Remanufacture, Repair
3RK1300-1BS01-1AA0 EM 300 RS Electro-Mechanical Reverse Starter – EM 300 RS
3RK1903-3EA10 1241092-2 Terminal Module
6AG1307-1EA80-2AA0 SIPLUS Power Supply
6AT1100-0AB00-0AA0 Simolink Sub Module
6AV3688-3AA03-0AX0 PP7 PP7 Push Button Panel
6AV6640-0CA01-0AX0 TP170 TP170 Micro Touch Panel
6AV6642-0DA01-1AX0 OP177B OP177B Operator Panel
6AV6671-5CM00-0AX0 Transponder for Mobile Panel 277(F) IWLAN
6AV6671-8XB10-0AX0 Secure Digital Memory Card – 256 MB
6DD1607-0AA0 FM458 FM458 CPU Module
6DD1607-0AA2 FM 458-1 FM458-1 DP Application Module
6DD1607-0EA0 EXM448 EXM 448 Communication Expansion Module
6DD1610-0AH3 MC521 MC521 Memory Module – 2MB
6EP1332-1SH71 PM1207 PM1207 Power Supply
6ES5755-2CA11 Terminating Resistor
6ES5755-8CA11 Adaptor Cable
6ES5762-2CA12 Programmer Connector
6ES5762-2CT11 T Connector
6ES7120-0AH01-0AA0 TB16SC Simatic SC Terminal Block
6ES7120-0AH50-0AA0 TB16IM-SC TB16IM-SC Terminal Block
6ES7120-0BH00-0AA0 TB16SC TB16SC Terminal Block
6ES7120-0BH01-0AA0 TB16SC SIMATIC SC TB16SC Spring-Type Terminal
6ES7120-1BH00-0AA0 Additional Terminal
6ES7121-1BB00-0AA0 Digital Input Module
6ES7122-1BB00-0AA0 Simatic SC Digital Output Module
6ES7122-1BB10-0AA0 Digital Output Module
6ES7122-1HA01-0AA0 Digital Relay Output Module
6ES7123-1FB00-0AB0 Analog Input Module
6ES7123-1FB50-0AB0 Analog Input Module
6ES7123-1GB00-0AB0 Analog Input Module
6ES7123-1GB10-0AB0 Analog Input Module
6ES7123-1JA00-0AB0 Analog Input Module – RTD
6ES7123-1JB00-0AB0 Analog Input Module – TC
6ES7124-1FA00-0AB0 Analog Output Module
6ES7124-1GA00-0AB0 Analog Output Module
6ES7127-1BE00-0AB0 Counter Module
6ES7127-1GA00-0AB0 Counter Module
6ES7131-0BH00-0XB0 Digital Input Module 16 DI
6ES7131-0BL00-0XB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7131-0BL10-0XB0 ET200B Digital Input Module
6ES7131-0HF00-0XB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7131-1BH00-0XB0 ET 200L Digital Input Module
6ES7131-1BH01-0XB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7131-1BH11-0XB0 Dgital Input Module
6ES7131-1BH12-0XB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7131-1BL00-0XB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7131-1BL01-0XB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7131-1BL10-0XB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7131-1BL11-0XB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7131-1BL12-0XB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7131-4BB00-0AB0 Digital Input Module – Package of 5
6ES7131-4BB00-0AB0-Each Digital Input Module- Single Unit
6ES7131-4BB01-0AA0 Digital Input Module – Package of 5
6ES7131-4BB01-0AB0 Digital Input Module – High Feature – 5 Pack
6ES7131-4BD00-0AA0 ET200S Digital Input Module – Single Module
6ES7131-4BD00-0AB0 ET200S Input Module
6ES7131-4BD01-0AA0-Each Digital Input Module – Single Unit
6ES7131-4BD01-0AB0 Digital Input Module – High Feature
6ES7131-4BD51-0AA0 Digital Input Module
6ES7131-4BF00-0AA0 Digital Input Module
6ES7131-4BF50-0AA0 Digital Input Module
6ES7131-4CD02-0AB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7131-4EB00-0AB0 Digital Input Module – Package of 5
6ES7131-4EB00-0AB0-Each Digital Input Module – Single Unit
6ES7131-4FB00-0AB0 Digital Input Module – Package of 5
6ES7131-4RD02-0AB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7131-7RF00-0AB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7132-0BH00-0XB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-0BH01-0XB0 ET 200B 16 DO
6ES7132-0BH10-0XB0 ET 200B Digital Output Module
6ES7132-0BH11-0XB0 ET 200B Digital Output Module
6ES7132-0BL00-0XB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-0BL01-0XB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-0GF00-0XB0 Relay Output Module
6ES7132-0HF00-0XB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-0HH00-0XB0 Relay Output Module
6ES7132-0HH01-0XB0 Relay Output Module
6ES7132-1BH00-0XB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-1BH11-0XB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-1BL00-0XB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-4BB00-0AB0 Digital Output 2DO 24VDC .5A – Single Module
6ES7132-4BB01-0AA0 Digital Output Module – Package of 5
6ES7132-4BB01-0AB0 Digital Output Module – Package of 5
6ES7132-4BB30-0AB0 Digital Output 2DO 24VDC 2A
6ES7132-4BB30-0AB0-Single Digital Output 2DO 24VDC 2A
6ES7132-4BB31-0AA0 Digital Output Module – Package of 5
6ES7132-4BB31-0AB0 Digital Output Module – Package of 5
6ES7132-4BD00-0AA0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-4BD00-0AB0 Digital Output Module – Package of 5
6ES7132-4BD01-0AA0 ET200 Output Module
6ES7132-4BD02-0AA0 Digital Output Module – Package of 5
6ES7132-4BD30-0AA0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-4BD30-0AB0 Digital Output Module – Package of 5
6ES7132-4BD32-0AA0 Digital Output Module – Package of 5
6ES7132-4BD50-0AA0 Digital Output Module – Package of 5
6ES7132-4BF00-0AA0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-4BF00-0AB0 Digital Output Module – High Feature
6ES7132-4BF50-0AA0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-4FB01-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-4HB00-0AB0 ET 200S 2DO Relay
6ES7132-4HB01-0AB0 Digital Output Module – Package of 5
6ES7132-4HB10-0AB0-Each Digital Output Module
6ES7132-4HB12-0AB0 Digital Output Module – Package of 5
6ES7132-4HB50-0AB0 Digital Output Module – Relay
6ES7132-7GD00-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-7GD10-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-7GD21-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-7GD30-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-7HB00-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-7RD01-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-7RD11-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7132-7RD22-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7133-0BH00-0XB0 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7133-0BH01-0XB0 ET 200B Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7133-0BL00-0XB0 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7133-0BN00-0XB0 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7133-0BN01-0XB0 Digital I/O Module
6ES7133-0BN10-0XB0 ET 200B Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7133-0BN11-0XB0 ET 200 Digital I/O Module
6ES7133-0HH00-0XB0 Digital Input/Output Relay Module
6ES7133-0HH01-0XB0 ET 200B Digital Output/Relay Module
6ES7133-1BL00-0XB0 Digital I/O Module
6ES7133-1BL01-0XB0 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7133-1BL10-0XB0 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7133-1BL11-0XB0 Digital I/O Module
6ES7134-0HF00-0XB0 Analog Input Module
6ES7134-0HF01-0XB0 Analog Input Module
6ES7134-0KH00-0XB0 Analog Input Module -RTD
6ES7134-0KH01-0XB0 Analog Input Module
6ES7134-4FB00-0AB0 Analog Input Module
6ES7134-4FB01-0AB0 Analog Input Module
6ES7134-4FB51-0AB0 Analog Input Module – 2AI High Speed
6ES7134-4FB52-0AB0 Analog Input Module – 2AI High Speed
6ES7134-4GB00-0AB0 Analog Input Module – 2AI
6ES7134-4GB01-0AB0 Analog Input Module – 2AI
6ES7134-4GB10-0AB0 Analog Input Module
6ES7134-4GB11-0AB0 Analog Input Module
6ES7134-4GB51-0AB0 Analog Input Module – 2AI High Speed
6ES7134-4GB52-0AB0 Analog Input Module – 2AI High Speed
6ES7134-4GB62-0AB0 Analog Input Module – 2AI High Speed
6ES7134-4GD00-0AB0 Analog Input Module 2 wire 4/20MA
6ES7134-4JB00-0AB0 Analog Input Module -TC
6ES7134-4JB01-0AB0 Analog Input Module -TC
6ES7134-4JB50-0AB0 Analog Input Module – RTD
6ES7134-4JB51-0AB0 Analog Input Module – RTD
6ES7134-4JD00-0AB0 Analog Input Module – TC
6ES7134-4LB02-0AB0 Analog Input Module – 2AI High Feature
6ES7134-4MB00-0AB0 Analog Input Module – 2AI High Feature
6ES7134-4MB02-0AB0 Analog Input Module – 2AI High Feature
6ES7134-4NB01-0AB0 Analog Input Module – TC HF
6ES7134-4NB51-0AB0 Analog Input Module – RTD HF
6ES7134-7SD00-0AB0 Analog Input Module – TC
6ES7134-7SD51-0AB0 Analog Input Module – RTD
6ES7134-7TD00-0AB0 Analog Input Module – HART
6ES7134-7TD50-0AB0 Analog Input Module – HART
6ES7135-0HF01-0XB0 Analog Output Module
6ES7135-4FB00-0AB0 Analog Output Module
6ES7135-4FB01-0AB0 Analog Output Module
6ES7135-4FB52-0AB0 Analog Output Module -High Speed
6ES7135-4GB00-0AB0 ET200S Analog Input/Output
6ES7135-4GB01-0AB0 Analog Output Module – 2AI
6ES7135-4GB52-0AB0 Analog Output Module -High Speed
6ES7135-4LB00-0AB0 Analog Output Module -High Feature
6ES7135-4LB02-0AB0 Analog Output Module -High Feature
6ES7135-4MB00-0AB0 Analog Output Module -High Feature
6ES7135-4MB02-0AB0 Analog Output Module -High Feature
6ES7135-7TD00-0AB0 Analog Output Module – HART
6ES7138-1XL00-0XB0 Interface IM-SC Profibus DP
6ES7138-4AA01-0AA0 Package of Reserve Modules – 5
6ES7138-4AA11-0AA0 Reserve Modules – 30 MM Single
6ES7138-4CA00-0AA0 Power Module
6ES7138-4CA01-0AA0 Power Module
6ES7138-4CA01-1AA0 Power Module – Package of 5
6ES7138-4CA50-0AB0 PM-E 24V-48V DC Power Module
6ES7138-4CA50-1AB0 Power Module – Package of 5
6ES7138-4CA60-0AB0 Power Module – High Feature
6ES7138-4CA80-0AB0 Power Module
6ES7138-4CB00-0AB0 Simatic DP ET 200S Power Module
6ES7138-4CB10-0AB0 Power Module
6ES7138-4CB11-0AB0 Power Module
6ES7138-4CF00-0AB0 Power Module PM-E F Profisafe
6ES7138-4CF01-0AB0 Power Module PM-E F Profisafe
6ES7138-4CF02-0AB0 Power Module PM-E F Profisafe
6ES7138-4CF03-0AB0 Power Module PM-E F Profisafe
6ES7138-4CF42-0AB0 Power Module PM-E F Profisafe
6ES7138-4DA04-0AB0 Counter Module
6ES7138-4DB03-0AB0 Positioning Module
6ES7138-4DC00-0AB0 Positioning Module
6ES7138-4DC01-0AB0 Positioning Module
6ES7138-4DD01-0AB0 Pulse and Timer Module
6ES7138-4DE02-0AB0 Counter Module
6ES7138-4DF00-0AB0 Serial Interface Module for ET200S
6ES7138-4DF01-0AB0 Serial Interface Module
6ES7138-4DF11-0AB0 Serial Interface Module
6ES7138-4DL00-0AB0 Positioning Module
6ES7138-4FA03-0AB0 Digital Input Module – Profisafe
6ES7138-4FA04-0AB0 Digital Input Module – Profisafe
6ES7138-4FB02-0AB0 4F-DO Profisafe
6ES7138-4FB03-0AB0 Digital Output Module – Profisafe
6ES7138-4FC01-0AB0 Digital Output Module – Profisafe
6ES7138-4FD00-0AA0 Potential Distribution Module
6ES7138-4FR00-0AA0 Relay Output Module
6ES7138-4GA00-0AB0 Sensor Interface Module
6ES7138-4GA50-0AB0 I/O Link Module
6ES7138-4HA00-0AB0 DP Master Module
6ES7138-5EA00-0AA0 Power Supply Module
6ES7138-7AA00-0AA0 Reserve Module
6ES7138-7BB00-0AB0 Watchdog Module
6ES7138-7EA01-0AA0 Power Supply Module
6ES7138-7EC00-0AA0 Power Supply Module
6ES7138-7FA00-0AB0 Analog Input Module – HART
6ES7138-7FD00-0AB0 Analog Output Module – HART
6ES7138-7FN00-0AB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7141-0BF00-0XB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7141-1BD30-0XA0 EM141 EM141 Digital Input Module
6ES7141-1BD31-0XA0 EM141 EM141 Digital Input Module
6ES7141-1BF00-0XB0 BM141 BM141 Basic Module
6ES7141-1BF01-0XB0 BM141 BM141 Basic Module
6ES7141-1BF10-0XB0 BM141 BM 141 Basic Module
6ES7141-1BF11-0XB0 BM141 ET 200X BM141 Digital Input Module
6ES7141-1BF12-0XB0 BM141 Basic Module BM141
6ES7141-1BF30-0XA0 EM141 Digital Input Expansion Module EM141
6ES7141-1BF30-0XB0 EM141 EM141
6ES7141-1BF31-0XA0 EM141 EM141 Expansion Module – Digital Input
6ES7141-1BF40-0XA0 EM141 Digital Input Expansion Module
6ES7141-1BF41-0XA0 EM141 EM141 Digital Input Module
6ES7141-3BF00-0XA0 BM141 BM141 Basic Module
6ES7141-3BH00-0XA0 BM141 BM141 Basic Module Digital Input
6ES7141-4BF00-0AA0 Digital Input Module
6ES7141-4BF00-0AB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7141-4BH00-0AA0 Digital Input Module
6ES7141-6BF00-0AB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7141-6BG00-0AB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7141-6BH00-0AB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7142-0BF00-0XB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7142-0BF10-0XB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7142-0BF11-0XB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7142-1BD10-0XB0 BM142 Basic Module BM142 – Digital Output
6ES7142-1BD11-0XB0 BM142 Basic Module BM142 – Digital Output
6ES7142-1BD20-0XB0 BM142 Basic Module BM142
6ES7142-1BD21-0XB0 BM 142 Basic Module BM 142
6ES7142-1BD22-0XB0 BM142 Basic Module BM142 – Digital Output
6ES7142-1BD30-0XA0 BM142 Basic Module BM142
6ES7142-1BD40-0XA0 EM142 EM142 Digital Output Expansion Module
6ES7142-1BD40-0XB0 BM142 EM142 Digital Output Module ET200X
6ES7142-1BF30-0XA0 EM142 EM142 Expansion Digital Output Module
6ES7142-3BF00-0XA0 Digital Output Module
6ES7142-3BH00-0XA0 BM142 Digital Output Module
6ES7142-4BD00-0AA0 Digital Output Module
6ES7142-4BD00-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7142-4BF00-0AA0 Digital Output Module
6ES7142-6BF00-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7142-6BF50-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7142-6BG00-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7142-6BH00-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7142-6BR00-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7143-0BL00-0XB0 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7143-0BL10-0XB0 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7143-1BF00-0XB0 BM143 BM143 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7143-1BF30-0XB0 BM143 BM143 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7143-2BH00-0AB0 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7143-2BH50-0AB0 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7143-3BH00-0XA0 BM143 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7143-3BH10-0XA0 BM143 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7143-4BF00-0AA0 BM143 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7144-0HF00-0XB0 Analog Input Module
6ES7144-0KH00-0XB0 Analog Input Module
6ES7144-1FB31-0XB0 EM144 EM144 Analog Input Module
6ES7144-1GB31-0XB0 EM 144 Analog Input Module
6ES7144-1GB41-0XB0 EM144 EM144 Analog Input Modue
6ES7144-1JB31-0XB0 EM144 EM144 Analog Input Expansion Module – RTD
6ES7144-4FF00-0AB0 BM143 Analog Input Module
6ES7144-4GF00-0AB0 BM143 Analog Input Module
6ES7144-4JF00-0AB0 BM143 Analog Input Module -RTD
6ES7144-4PF00-0AB0 BM143 Analog Input Module – TC
6ES7144-6KD00-0AB0 Analog Input Module
6ES7145-0HF00-0XB0 Analog Ouput Module
6ES7145-1FB31-0XB0 EM 145 Analog Ouput Expansion Module
6ES7145-1GB31-0XB0 EM 145 Analog Ouput Expansion Module
6ES7145-4FF00-0AB0 Analog Output Module
6ES7145-4GF00-0AB0 Analog Output Module
6ES7145-6HD00-0AB0 Analog Output Module
6ES7147-1AA01-0XB0 ET 200X BM 147-1 CPU
6ES7147-2AA00-0XB0 BM147-2 CPU BM 147-2 CPU Basic Module
6ES7147-6BG00-0AB0 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7148-1CA00-0XB0 PM 148 Simatic DP Power Module ET 200X PM 148
6ES7148-1DA00-0XA0 EM148-P Simatic DP ET 200X EM 148-P
6ES7148-1EH10-0XA0 EM 148-P Pneumatic Interface Module EM148-P
6ES7148-3FA00-0XB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7148-4CA00-0AA0 Power Module
6ES7148-4CA60-0AA0 Power Module
6ES7148-4EA00-0AA0 CPV-10 Pneumatic Interface Module
6ES7148-4EB00-0AA0 CPV-14 Pneumatic Interface Module
6ES7148-4FA00-0AB0 Digital Input Module
6ES7148-4FC00-0AB0 Digital Input/Output Module
6ES7148-4FS00-0AB0 Digital Output Module
6ES7148-4PC00-0HA0 Power Supply
6ES7148-6CB00-0AA0 Power Supply
6ES7148-6JA00-0AB0 I/O Link Master
6ES7151-1AA00-0AB0 IM151-1 Simatic DP Interface Module IM151-1