
Siemens Teleperm New, Surplus, Refurbished, Reconditioned, Remanufacture, Repair
64420591 Teleperm Cable
6AB5102-0AA70 Interface Module
6AB6515-0AC Interface Module
6AC6968-1AB70 Light Pen
6AW2003-0A AS80C AS80C Module
6DP1210-8BB FUM210 Binary Module – FUM210
6DP1210-8BC FUM210 Binary Module – FUM210
6DP1230-8CC FUM230 FUM230 Analog Module
6DP1232-8AA FUM 232 FUM 232 Analog Module
6DP1232-8BA FUM 232 FUM 232 Analog Module
6DP1280-8AA FUM 280 Teleperm XP FUM 280 Function Module
6DP1280-8AB FUM 280 Teleperm XP FUM 280 Module
6DP1511-8AA FUM 511 Binary Signal Coupling I/O FUM 511 Module
6DP1531-8AA FUM 531 Analog Signal Coupling I/O FUM 531 Module
6DP1614-8BB IM614 IM614 Module
6DP9901-8AA00 EU 901 Teleperm XP Rack 21 Slot
6DP9902-8BA00 EU 902 Teleperm XP Rack 21 Slot
6DR1111-6RJ93 Teleperm D Module
6DR1112-1NJ11-0NJ0 Teleperm D Panel Controller
6DR1112-6NJ11-3NU0 Teleperm D Panel Controller
6DR1124-1NJ03-0NN0 Teleperm D Panel Controller
6DR1410-0NJ11-1JN0 Teleperm D Process Indicator Module
6DS1000-8AA Power Supply Module
6DS1000-8AB Power Supply
6DS1000-8AC Power Supply Module
6DS1001-8AA Power Supply Module
6DS1003-8AA Power Supply Module
6DS1003-8BA Power Supply
6DS1004-8AA Power Supply Module
6DS1005-8AA Bus Driver Power Supply
6DS1101-8AB Low Processor ARITHM Module
6DS1102-8AB High Processor ARITHM Module
6DS1103-8AB Teleperm Module
6DS1104-8AA Clock Pulse Gen Module
6DS1105-8AA Synchronization Module
6DS1106-8AA Comparator Module
6DS1106-8BA Teleperm Module
6DS1107-8AA Switching Module
6DS1110-8AA Central Processor AS 230/AS 231
6DS1111-8AA AS 230/AS 231 Central Control Processor
6DS1111-8AB AS 230/AS 231 Central Processor
6DS1111-8AC AS 230/AS 231 Central Control Processor
6DS1112-8AA Teleperm CPU AS230/231
6DS1113-8AA Central Processor Memory Module
6DS1113-8BA Central Processor Memory Module
6DS1114-8AA SPST Module
6DS1115-8AA Teleperm Module
6DS1116-8BA Teleperm M Module
6DS1117-8AA Teleperm M Module
6DS1118-8AA Teleperm M Module
6DS1120-8BA Synchronize Module
6DS1121-8AA Controller Voter Module
6DS1121-8BB Center Controller Voter Module
6DS1122-8AA Monitor Coupler for CPU Module
6DS1132-8CA PU-V 215 PU-V 215 CPU
6DS1140-8AA CPU 235 Module
6DS1142-8AA Comparator and Coupling Module
6DS1143-8AA Synchronization Module For AS 235
6DS1144-8AA I/O Bus Comparator And Switchover Module
6DS1200-8AB BK-N8 Interface Module
6DS1313-8AA Teleperm M Module
6DS1313-8AB Teleperm M Module
6DS1314-8AA Teleperm M Module
6DS1314-8AB Teleperm Module
6DS1315-8AB Voter Module
6DS1315-8AC Voter 1, I/O Bus Module
6DS1315-8BB Voter 2, I/O Bus
6DS1318-8AB Teleperm Module
6DS1320-8AA Non-interacting BUS Coupler Module
6DS1321-8AA Interface Module for Simatic S5
6DS1322-8AA I/O Coupler
6DS1322-8BA Teleperm ME, I/O Coupler
6DS1324-8AA Teleperm Module
6DS1325-8AA C79458-L438-B380 Interface Module
6DS1326-8AA Interface Module for Mini Floppy Drive
6DS1326-8BB Interface Module
6DS1327-8AA Teleperm M Module
6DS1328-8AA Communications Module
6DS1330-8BA Teleperm Module
6DS1330-8CA Teleperm Module
6DS1332-8AA Teleperm I/O Coupler
6DS1332-8BB I/O Bus Control Module
6DS1333-8AB Simatic S5 Interface Module
6DS1341-1AD Video and Keyboard Module
6DS1400-8AA Teleperm M Control Module
6DS1400-8BA PI Regulatory Control Module S
6DS1401-8AA Closed Loop Control Module
6DS1401-8BA Closed Loop Control Module
6DS1402-8AA Closed-Loop Control Module
6DS1402-8BA Closed-Loop Control Module
6DS1403-8AA Closed Loop Control Module
6DS1403-8BA Closed Loop Control Module
6DS1403-8CA Closed-Loop Control Module
6DS1403-8CB Closed Loop Control Module
6DS1408-8BA Closed Loop Control Module S
6DS1408-8BB Closed Loop Control Module
6DS1410-8BB Teleperm, S Closed Loop
6DS1411-8AA Closed Loop Control Module
6DS1411-8CC Closed Loop S Control Module
6DS1411-8DD Teleperm, S Closed Loop
6DS1411-8DE Closed Loop Control Module
6DS1411-8RR Closed Loop S Control Module
6DS1412-8CC K-Loop Controller
6DS1412-8DD K-Loop Controller
6DS1412-8DE K-Loop Controller Module
6DS1412-8RR K-Loop Controller
6DS1501-8BA Open-Loop Control Module
6DS1502-8AA Teleperm M Module
6DS1503-8AA Open Loop Control Module
6DS1508-8AA Teleperm Module
6DS1510-8AA Teleperm Module
6DS1511-8AA Inteface Module
6DS1600-8AA Digital Input Module
6DS1601-8AA Digital Input Module
6DS1601-8AC Digital Input Module
6DS1601-8BA Input Binary 48 Module
6DS1602-8AA Digital Input Module
6DS1602-8BA Digital Input Module 32 Pt
6DS1603-8AA Digital Output Module
6DS1603-8AB Digital Output Module
6DS1603-8BA Teleperm ME, Binary Output
6DS1603-8RR Digital Output Module
6DS1604-8AA Digital Output Module
6DS1605-8AA Relay Module
6DS1605-8BA Binary Output Module – Relay
6DS1606-8BA Binary Output 16
6DS1607-8AB Digital Module
6DS1613-8BB Counter Module
6DS1614-8AA Binary Input Module
6DS1618-8CA Binary Input 48 Module
6DS1621-8AA Digital Input Module
6DS1700-8AA Analog Input Module
6DS1700-8BA Analog Input Module
6DS1701-8AA Analog Module
6DS1701-8AB Analog Input Module
6DS1702-8AA Analog Output Module
6DS1702-8RR Analog Output Module
6DS1703-8AB MS Point Extention
6DS1703-8RR MS Point Extention
6DS1706-8AA Analog Input Module
6DS1708-8AA Analog Input Module
6DS1712-8BA Analog Output Module
6DS1714-8AA Analog Input Module
6DS1714-8BA Analog Input Module
6DS1715-8BB Analog Module
6DS1715-8CC Teleperm M Module
6DS1717-8AA Binary Calculation Module
6DS1717-8CC Teleperm ME, Binary Calculation
6DS1717-8RR Binary Calculation Module
6DS1719-8AA Binary Extention
6DS1720-8AA Teleperm Module
6DS1722-8AA Analog Module
6DS1722-8BA Teleperm ME, Analog Arithmetic
6DS1722-8BB Analog Module
6DS1722-8RR Analog Module
6DS1723-8AL Analog Module
6DS1723-8BA Analog Module
6DS1723-8BB Analog Module
6DS1723-8BL Analog Module
6DS1725-8AA Control Module
6DS1730-8AA Analog Input Module
6DS1731-8AA Analog Input Module
6DS1731-8BA Analog Input Module
6DS1731-8DC Teleperm ME, Analog Input
6DS1731-8DD Analog Input Module
6DS1731-8EA Analog Input Module
6DS1731-8FA Analog Input Module
6DS1731-8RR Analog Input Module
6DS1801-8AA EPROM Memory Module
6DS1801-8AD Memory Module
6DS1801-8BA EPROM Module for AS 230/AS 230K
6DS1801-8BD EPROM Module
6DS1802-8AA Memory Module Module
6DS1810-8AD EPROM Module
6DS1811-8AD EPROM Module
6DS1812-8AC Memory Module
6DS1814-8AC SPAS230 AS230 EPROM Memory Module
6DS1815-8AC Memory Module
6DS1822-8AA Memory Module
6DS1823-8AA Memory Module
6DS1824-8BA Memory Module
6DS1827-8BA Memory Module
6DS1827-8BC Memory Module
6DS1827-8BD Memory Module
6DS1827-8CA SP EPROM E Module
6DS1830-8AA SP 60KB RAM Module
6DS1831-8AB Memory for CPU
6DS1831-8AC Memory Module
6DS1832-8AA EEPROM for CPU
6DS1837-8AA Teleperm RAM Module
6DS1837-8BA RAM Module – 2MB
6DS1837-8CA RAM Module
6DS1837-8DA Memory Module
6DS1837-8FA Memory Module
6DS1844-8CA Memory Module
6DS1844-8DA Memory Module
6DS1844-8FA Memory Module
6DS1901-8AA Signal Logic Module
6DS1901-8BA Power Control Module
6DS1908-8AA Teleperm Module
6DS1912-8AA Scanning Repition Module
6DS1914-8AA Communication Interface Connection Panel
6DS1916-8AA Signal Module Card
6DS1922-8AA Teleperm Module
6DS2410-0XX0-0XA0 AS488/TM Memory Card
6DS3303-8AA Keyboard
6DS3305-8AA Teleperm Keyboard (Tastatur) PBT-E
6DS3316-8AA Hand Held Terminal
6DS3317-8EA Teleperm Light Pen
6DS3321-8AA PBT215 Keyboard
6DS3423-1AX00 DS 078 Teleperm Processor Terminal DS 078
6DS3800-8AC Mini Floppy Disk Drive
6DS3900-8AB Floppy Disk Unit
6DS3900-8AC Siemens Mini Floppy Disk
6DS3900-8AD Floppy Disk Drive
6DS4407-8AA Teleperm
6DS4407-8BA Teleperm Rack
6DS4407-8CA Teleperm Rack
6DS4410-8AB Teleperm Rack
6DS4410-8DA Teleperm Rack
6DS4415-8AC Teleperm Rack
6DS4420-8AB Teleperm Rack
6DS4420-8BA Teleperm Rack
6DS4420-8BB Teleperm Rack
6DS4421-8BA Teleperm M Rack
6DS4426-8AA Teleperm Rack
6DS8101-8AD Teleperm Coaxial Cable
6DS8201-8AA Teleperm Front Connector
6DS8201-8MB Teleperm Cable
6DS8204-8SC Teleperm Front Connector
6DS9002-8BA Teleperm Module
6DS9005-8AB Teleperm Rack
6DS9005-8AC Teleperm Rack
6DS9006-8AB Teleperm Rack
6DS9006-8BA Rack
6DS9013-8AA Teleperm M Rack
6DS9014-8AB Teleperm M Rack
6DS9016-8CA Teleperm M Rack
6DS9018-8BA Teleperm Rack
6DS9020-8AA Teleperm Rack
6DS9020-8BA Teleperm Rack
6DS9023-8CA Teleperm Rack
6DS9026-8AB Teleperm Rack M AS235
6DS9032-8CH Teleperm Rack
6DS9111-8AA Teleperm Rack
6DS9111-8BA Teleperm Rack
6DS9200-8AA Teleperm Front Connector
6DS9203-8DA Teleperm Terminal Mounting
6DS9203-8EA Mounting Accessories
6DS9207-8AA Teleperm Module
6DS9901-8BB C79451-A3157-B137 Battery and Interface Termination Module
6DS9913-8AA Cable Assembly
6DS9913-8EB Cable Assembly
6DS9922-8BA Siemens Teleperm Cable
6DS9925-8AA Cable
6DS9925-8AB Teleperm Ribbon Cable 1ft
6DS9930-8AA Battery Module
6DS9944-8AA Siemens Teleperm Cable
6DT2001-0AC Teleperm C Module
6DT2003-0AC Soldering Tag Module
6DT2005-0AC Teleperm C Module
6EV3110-0CC Power Supply Module
6EV3111-0CC Siemens Module
6EV3200-0DC Power Module
6EV4300-0CC Power Module
6EW1000-1BA Logic Power Module
6EW1110-0AA Power Supply Module
6EW1360-1AA Battery Module
6EW1860-0AB Power Supply Module
6EW1860-0AC Power Supply Module
6EW1860-8AA Power Module
6FP1706-0B Teleperm C Module
6FP1707-0B Teleperm Module
6FP1711-0A Teleperm Module
6FP1712-0A Teleperm C Relay Module
6FP1713-0A Safeguard Module
6FP1713-0B 8351 Teleperm Module
6FP1715-0B Teleperm C Module
6FP2702-0A Teleperm C Module
6FP2902-8AB Siemens Madam S Keyboard
6MH1704-8DA Connection Module
7KG2131-1ZN21-0AA0 GMUG/H GMUG/H Transducer
7MH1704-8DA Interface Module
7MJ1121-8AA Teleperm Module
7MJ1222-8AA Siemens Module
7MJ1322-8AB Siemens Module
7NG1102-4AD42 Teleperm Board
7NG1103-4BD43 Teleperm C Module
7NG1106-4DA43 Signalumformer Board
7NG1204-4AD42-5RA3 Teleperm Module
7NG1204-4AD42-5UZ9 Temperature Transmitter Module
7NG1204-4AD45-5RA6 Temperature Transmitter Module
7NG1204-4AD45-5RA7 Temperature Transmitter Module
7NG1204-4AD45-5RA8 Temperature Transmitter Module
7NG1204-4AD45-5RB1 Temperature Transmitter Module
7NG1204-4AD45-5RB2 Temperature Transmitter Module
7NG1204-4AD45-5RB3 Temperature Transmitter Module
7NG1205-4AD42-1KA8 Teleperm C Module
7NG1205-4AD45-5DA2 Transducer Module
7NG1205-4AD45-5KA1 Temperature Transmitter Module
7NG1205-4AD45-5KA2 Temperature Transmitter Module
7NG1205-4AD45-5KA8 Temperature Transmitter Module
7NG1205-4AD45-5KB1 Temperature Transmitter Module
7NG1205-4AD45-5KB4 Temperature Transmitter Module
7NG1205-4AD45-5KE7 Temperature Transmitter Module
7NG1205-4AD45-5WW9 Temperature Transmitter Module
7NG1206-4BD42-2RA3 Teleperm C Module
7NG1206-4DD35-5RA3 Teleperm C Module
7NG1900-4AD45-1 Teleperm Board
7NG1900-4BD42-1 Teleperm C Module
7NG1903-4BD42-1 Power Module
7TG2000-0/DD Teleperm Module
7TJ1520-0/DE Teleperm Module
7TL2515-0/BC Teleperm Module
7TL2641-0/DD Teleperm Module
7TL2702-0/HH Teleperm Module
7TL3120-0/EF Teleperm Module
7TL3910-0/CB-Z1 Teleperm Module
7TL5213-0/FF Teleperm Module
7TM5300-0/BB Teleperm Module
7TM5317/FF Teleperm Module
7TN3523-4H/HQ Teleperm Power Supply Module
7TN3923-2/HH Power Supply
7TN9045-1/BB Relay Module
7TR3502-4/CB Teleperm Relay Module
7TR3503-0/BC Teleperm Relay Module
7TS1701-2/FH Teleperm Module
7TS2711-2/FH Teleperm Module
7TS3202-0/DE Counter Module
7TS3300-0/CB Teleperm Relay Module
7TS3400-0/CC Relay Module
7TT1511-2CA/CE Teleperm Module
7TT3044-3/DD Teleperm Module
8RM3490-2/BC Teleperm Module
A5E00098837 Telperm Module
C1379-Z Teleperm
C71458-A4750-A1 Siemens Module
C71458-A4752-A2 4752-2 Module
C71458-A4753-A1 4753-1 Module
C71458-A4754-A1 Teleperm Module
C71458-A4755-A1 Teleperm Relay Module
C71458-A6008-A13 Teleperm Connector Module
C71458-A6080-A11 Teleperm Module
C71458-A6097-A22 Teleperm Module
C71458-A6305-A11 ADC Module
C71458-A6401-A1 Teleperm Module
C71458-A6452-A2 Teleperm Module
C71458-A6489-A11 Teleperm Module
C74103-A1900-A351 Diode Module
C74103-A2137-A33 Teleperm Board
C74451-A1614-A4 Teleperm Power Module
C74451-A1625-A1 Teleperm Module
C74451-A1629-A1 Fan Assembly
C74451-A1629-A11 Fan Assembly
C74451-A1629-A22 Teleperm Module
C74451-A1856-A11 Teleperm Rack
C74451-A1856-B1 Teleperm Module
C74451-A1858-A1 Cardfile
C74451-Z1069-U223 050520,            81 098-031 Module
C7451-Z1038-U10 Teleperm Module
C79145-A3028-B801 Video Amplifier Module
C79145-A3032-B851 B71616-A0042-A926 Remote Switching Module
C79195-A3205-A50 Teleperm Ribbon Cable
C79195-A3205-A51 Ribbon Cable
C79195-A3205-A52 Ribbon Cable
C79195-A3205-A53 Ribbon Cable
C79195-A3205-A54 Ribbon Cable
C79195-A3205-A55 Ribbon Cable
C79451-21038-49 Telerperm
C79451-A3077-A1 ZSP/PSP Cardfile
C79451-A3111-B101 Teleperm Module
C79451-A3117-B65 Teleperm Power Module
C79451-A3117-B71 Teleperm
C79451-A3117-B73 Teleperm
C79451-A3125-A161 5V Power Module
C79451-A3125-A2 Teleperm Module
C79451-A3125-A3 Teleperm Module
C79451-A3125-B100 Power Module
C79451-A3125-B101 Power Module
C79451-A3171-A1 Z3 R30 K Cardfile
C79451-A3260-A16 Teleperm Rack AS 235K
C79451-A3260-A20 Power Supply
C79451-A3260-A25 Teleperm Power Module
C79451-A3260-A3 Teleperm ES 100K Rack
C79451-A3260-A30 Power Supply Fan Tray
C79451-A3260-A35 Teleperm Rack with Power Supply and Fans
C79451-Z1038-U9 Teleperm Module
C79451-Z1359-U9 Teleperm Power Supply Module
C79458-L1-A1 L1-1 Module
C79458-L13-A1 Teleperm Module
C79458-L13-A11 R30 Selector Processor Module
C79458-L138-A1 L138 Module
C79458-L139-A1 L139 Module
C79458-L14-A1 L14-1 Module
C79458-L140-A1 L140-1 Module
C79458-L141-A1 L141-1Module
C79458-L142-A1 L142-1 Module
C79458-L143-A1 L143-1 Module
C79458-L144-A1 L144-1 Module
C79458-L145-A1 L145 Module
C79458-L147-A1 L147 Module
C79458-L148-A1 L148 Module
C79458-L17-A1 Teleperm M Module
C79458-L2-A1 L2-1 Module
C79458-L4-A1 L4-1 Module
C79458-L419-A2 Teleperm Module
C79458-L420-A1 Teleperm Module
C79458-L422-A1 Teleperm Module
C79458-L437-B24 L437 Module
C79458-L442-B21 Cable
C79458-L442-B22 Cable
C79458-L445-B20 Bus Termination Module
C79458-L445-B5 Teleperm Module
C79458-L445-B8 Teleperm Module
C79458-L5-A1 L5 Module
C79458-L6-A1 L6-1 Register Module
C79458-L7-A1 L7-1 Module
C79458-L701-A1 Teleperm Module
C79458-L702-A1 Teleperm Module
C79458-L703-A101 Teleperm Module
C79458-L703-A131 Teleperm Module
C79458-L703-A31 Teleperm Module
C79458-L71-A1 L71-1 Module
C79458-L72-A23 Teleperm M Module
C79458-L72-A25 L72 Module
C79458-L76-A1 L76-1 Module
C79458-L78-A1 L78-1 Module
C79458-L79-A1 L79-1 Module
C79458-L8-A1 L8-1 Module
C79458-L85-A1 Teleperm M Module
C79458-L85-A2 L85 Module
DCS100.124 Power Supply Module
M72120-U1190-0300 Analog Display Unit
M72151-B4100 Teleperm C Module
M72151-B4300 Teleperm Board
M72151-C4100 Teleperm Board
M72227-B1700 Siemens Module
M74001-A8120 Teleperm C Module
M74001-A8122-1 Teleperm C Module
M74002-A8120 Teleperm C Module
M74002-A8210 Teleperm Module
M74002-A8420 Teleperm C Module
M74003-A162 Teleperm C Module
M74003-A170 Teleperm C Module
M74003-A172 Teleperm C Module
M74003-A174 Teleperm C Module
M74003-A3020-A1 Teleperm C Module
M74003-A320 Teleperm C Module
M74003-A330 Teleperm C Module
M74003-A8131 Teleperm C Module
M74003-A8152 Teleperm C Module
M74003-A8162 Teleperm C Module
M74003-A8171 Teleperm C Module
M74003-A8181 Teleperm C Module
M74003-A8320-A1 Teleperm C Module
M74003-A8335 Teleperm Board
M74003-A8350 Teleperm C Analog Transmitter Module
M74004-A110 Teleperm C Module
M74004-A122 Teleperm C Module
M74004-A124 Teleperm C Module
M74004-A8110 Teleperm C Module
M74004-A8131 Teleperm C Module
M74005-A310 Teleperm C Module
M74005-A8120 Teleperm C Module
M74005-A8413 Teleperm C Module
M74006-A130 Teleperm Timing Module
M74007-A8110 Teleperm C Module
M74007-A8510 Teleperm C Module
ST 215 Teleperm ST215 Keyboard